The ultimate revision and exam preparation masterclasses
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Mock Exam & Review Masterclass

Mock Exam & Review Masterclass
Propharmace's mock exam and review is the ultimate tool for Foundation trainees to prepare for the GPhC registration assessment. This programme includes access to the online ProPharmace mock exam (Paper 1 & 2) as well as two live online review sessions detailed review sessions where you will receive in-depth feedback on all the exam questions, have an opportunity to revise key topics and ask questions. Our mock exam is designed to simulate the format and content of the actual GPhC exam, giving you a realistic experience that will help you build confidence and familiarity with the assessment ensuring that you are fully prepared.
Key Features
- An opportunity to practice for the online GPhC assessment.
- Top tips on exam technique and exam preparation
- High Quality content mapped to the GPhC registration assessment framework
- Step-by-step feedback on Paper 1 questions
- Detailed review of paper 2 questions with key learning points and revision tips
- Expert advice from ProPharmace trainers
- Access to the mock exam and revision resources until June 2024
- Paper 1 & paper 2 mock exam
- Paper 1 & paper 2 mock exam review 2 June 2024
- 7 Hours
- Online via zoom
- £100
I couldn’t recommend a better training provider than ProPharmace. The level of teaching was incredible and the resources we received were useful! The mocks, including the mini tests we had at the training days were fab. They motivated me to delve deeper into topics and brush up on my calculations skills
Reshal Patel
Thank you to the whole team at Propharmace. Your resources and training days were very helpful. The mock review day was also incredibly helpful and unlike any other mock review. You were the only ones who went through every single question. Thank you for all your help and support!
Fatima Abu
I’m so grateful to everyone at Propharmace for helping and supporting us through one of the hardest years of our careers. Thank you so much.
Sadaf Ali
Thank you for all your support, you have been excellent and the tutors are extremely helpful. I’m so happy for what I achieved and I would recommend ProPharmace to all trainees
Rawan Ahmed
The ProPharmace program was a major contributor towards my success. A big thank you to the propharmace team.
Uzoma Mbaeyi
Thank you sooooo much for all the help!! All the resources received from ProPharmace were so amazing and so useful and greatly helped me prepare for the exam!!
Abigail Opoku Afriyie