Welcome to the Day 6 online assessment
  • This assessment has been developed to support you with preparing for the GPhC registration assessment.
  • There are 15 questions in this online assessment.
  • The time allowance for this paper is 20 minutes
  • You will score one mark for each correct answer, no marks will be deducted for incorrect answers or omissions.
  • For questions 1-13 there are five options, A, B, C, D and E.
  • For questions 14-15 there are eight options, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.
  • Answer the questions as though you were a pharmacist, not a pre-registration trainee pharmacist
  • Make sure you have read the technical instructions on the previous page before proceeding.
  • Make sure you have downloaded the resource pack ready to view before starting the paper.
  • For questions that show the resource logo, please refer to the resource pack to complete the question.
  • You will have 1 attempt to sit this paper before your day 6 training day
  • Use the green accessibility tool on the right to adjust your learning experience according to your preference
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