Practice Supervisor Programme

Submit Your Personal Development Plan 

A Personal Development Plan is a process designed to enable you to think about, and plan for, your own personal development. It encourages you to reflect on your progress and achievements, and to identify areas you wish to develop and improve on.

It also enables you to set clear goals, identify the resources and support you will need to achieve your goals and the expected outcomes you wish to achieve.

In Module 1 you were provided with a personal development plan template that you can use to develop your skills in line with the Educational/Practice Supervisor Framework. You were encouraged touse this template to plan how you will develop your role and revisit it throughout your learning journey to update how you have met your learning needs.

You can download the PDP by clicking below if you have not done so already and upload it once completed. This will be assessed as part of your portfolio of evidence.

[wpfd_single_file id="58940" catid="84" name="Personal Development Plan"]

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